(424) 237-8378 [email protected]

Logan 6mo027

Mr. L is such a sweetie! I met him for his newborn session last December and now it’s time for 6 months!! Time just flies with these little ones!! Mama tells me that he is a very happy baby and I’m sure it’s true. He did a great job during his session, though he was a little more “serious” than the family is used to seeing him. The reason, teeth! That’s the thing about the timing of those 6 month sessions, babies may very well be getting their first chompers around that same time. It’s such a fun time to document though! I love 6 month sessions. Mr. L’s big brother got in on a little of the photo shoot fun, and he is a bundle of energy for sure! I know those boys are going to have such fun with each other growing up!! I’ll see this handsome man again when he is 9 months, but until then, enjoy these photos!

Logan 6mo036
Logan 6mo004
Logan 6mo032
Logan 6mo009
Logan 6mo035