Where oh where did summer time go? It flew by in a hurry for us, but we enjoyed it fully! 🙂 Hopefully you all did as well! This Fall we’ve got some exciting things planned for family portraits, and of course it’s time for those Class of 2013 kids to start thinking about their Senior Portraits!!
It seems like school kinda springs up on us suddenly every year even though we know it’s coming. One of my very own munchkins is starting off to the land of knowledge with K-5 this year! I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like the typical “school pictures.” And what kid does, ya know? Those things seem to exists for one reason, and that is to embarrass people with later in life. 😉
So in celebration of school starting I’m offering Back To School mini-sessions for the rest of Aug and September! These sessions are half-price! So for $75 you get 1/2 hr to 45 min of my time, will be able to choose from several great package options to purchase, plus I’ll throw in a complementary 5×7 of your favorite pose! And these are guaranteed to not go down in history looking like a traditional school photo!
So give me a call and get your BTS session scheduled!
*This mini-session offer does not apply to 2013 seniors. Call for more information on scheduling a senior session, and get a yearbook photo for FREE!*