Miss D is a John Deere gal even if she doesn’t know it yet! 🙂 Her mommy and daddy are JD fans, and of course I just HAD to make that a part of her sweet little session! She was such a lil peanut, I just could not get enough of her! She did very well for her session. I have to say that I’m always amazed with the little ones and how much they really will tolerate. I know how crabby I get if something/someone interrupts my sleeping time, so I can imagine that these itty-bitties are gifted with a level of patience that I can’t understand. 🙂
We had a good time, and got some very sweet shots of this little lass! She is going to have a blast growing up with 3 big brothers and a big sis to share secrets with! Thank you Miss D for spreading a little sunshine on my day!