I spent a fun hour or so with this adorable young couple capturing some “baby bump” photos and enjoying their excitement as they await the arrival of their baby girl! Kaylee is an absolutely gorgeous mommy-to-be with striking blue eyes! Wow! I’m sure she is really going to have fun with that little girl! Ismael better get a store of bats ready to fend of the boys if “baby” looks anything like her mama. 😉
This little family is currently transplanted away from their extended families, but will be moving “home” shortly after their baby is born. Having experienced this same scenario when I was expecting my first-born, I felt a bit more of a common bond with this young couple. Interesting how mommies and mommies-to-be always have a soft spot in their hearts for each other.
Anyway, we found a “hidden park” to take some fun photos, and I have to hand it to Kaylee for being SO limber and energetic about any and all pose ideas. Fortunately it was starting to cool off a bit. Thanks you two {three} for a fun evening! I can’t wait to meet the little lady when she arrives!
Looking like her mommy, but with the deeper coloring: her daddy’s gonna need an Uzi!!