(424) 237-8378 [email protected]

Had a little run of 3 week old babies! 😀 They are so fun and squishy. All of them have been so easy on me! Mr. K here was a gem! He slept like a champ! Already weighing in at 10 pounds he was a little chunk-muffin and I simply can’t get enough of his sweet chubby cheeks! Kyle has an awesome family. I got to chat a bit with big brother who thinks it’s pretty awesome to have a baby brother and who, as Mommy tells me, knew that he had a little brother on the way before anyone else did! Kids are amazing! Mr. K’s Daddy plays bass in a Gospel band, so of course, we had to incorporate that into his little buddy’s photos! Thanks for such a fun photo shoot!

Kyle 014
Kyle 003
Kyle 012
Kyle 017