(424) 237-8378 [email protected]

I’ll have quite the before and afters to show you all from this lil’ dude by the end of his first year! They just grow too stinkin’ fast, don’t they? That’s why it’s SO important to get some great shots of your lil ones their first year. They’ll never be in these same ‘firsts’ stages again. It’s hard for me to believe that the wee one I was trying to get photos of without getting peed on when he was 4 days old is now sitting up on his own, and trying to get teeth!

Well, he’s ‘mostly’ sitting up on his own. I squished down the bean bag to make a nice little dip for his tush and that helped anchor him a little bit. He was pretty thrilled with sitting up there all big by himself! What a cutie! Mom’s legs/feet will do in a jiffy too if a lil’ bud needs some extra support!

Nathaniel Blog 1

As for the teeth, I’m not POSITIVE that he’s working on some, but if I had to take how much he was twisting his tongue around on those gums, I’d have to say he is! 🙂 Hope those little chompers take it easy on him… and his mommy and daddy! I still managed to get a few good grins that didn’t have a twisted tongue, but either way, tongue and drool or no, he’s still an adorable lad!

Than Blog 2