(424) 237-8378 [email protected]

Little Mr. J was such a thrill to work with. He is the second son of some of our friends, and we’ve been praying for his safe arrival for awhile. 🙂 It’s good to have him here healthy and happy, except if he has to wait for lunch, mom says. 🙂 I just saw the mellow side of his personality as he was so cooperative and flexible about being handled so much. My sheep skin rugs were a favorite with him AND big brother!! They’re so soft and snuggly, I think I might just have to break them out at the beginning for every baby! He slept surprising well though it all, and I think his portraits are just beautiful. But how could they not be with SO much cuteness!?

I had to throw in this first image, because it was a little hint of a smile, and so precious!
